Things to ask your Celebrant

Venue? Check. Partner? on to the important decisions! Choosing your Cele (that’d be me, Kelly, get it? Ha ha!)       

My personal view is that the one thing you need is me to make it all legal (and a couple of witnesses), all the pretty is just that. So I say to you, choose your cele wisely. We set the mood for your celebration, and if you want that party started right – these are my tips on the questions you need to ask when we meet.

What happens?
A lot of people don’t know what to expect when getting married. So a good celebrant is going to talk you through all things ceremony – from the legals, to the structure of your ceremony, to on the day logistics. It won’t all sink in during that first meet, but if you walk away knowing your celebrant’s got you covered then you’re on the right track.

Have you got this?
A question that gets asked a lot is “how many weddings have you done”? Sure this gives you a good indication that your celebrant can perform a ceremony and have learnt from practice, but can they PERFORM a ceremony? The 4th wedding I ever did was on the main stage at St Kilda Festival in front of a couple 1000 people (and I’m happy to humblebrag that I NAILED IT!). You not only need your celebrant to have done weddings so they know what they’re doing, but they also need to be able to work with your crowd to make it special.

Do you like me?
With a lot of other wedding suppliers, you need someone who’s got the gift of the photo, cake, flowers, etc, but with a celebrant I do believe there’s a personal connection that we make. Just like choosing a mate, do you click with your celebrant, share the same vibe, are they someone you could hang out with, and most importantly can you trust them to represent you and your love the way you want on your wedding day?

Let go the ego
Your celebrant should know how to make this day all about you! Of course we have to be loud and proud, but it’s our job to make sure YOU are the stars of the show, and that the ceremony is personal and meaningful to you, whether that be light and fun, warm and emotional or whatever. And make sure your celebrant will give you complete freedom and veto over your ceremony script (unless you’re cool with it) because after all, it is your marriage not theirs so make it your way.

Are you an ideas girl?
For most people, Pinterest is good for picking the bridal colours, flowers and all the fluff stuff! But not so much on the ceremony. So has your celebrant got ideas you can start with, or can they help you extract some ideas that are unique to you as a couple to make your ceremony authentically you. And it’s not just the ceremony we can help with (although that is our best qualification), I gave a couple the other week the brilliant idea of using the beautiful old staircase at the Ballroom for their group shot (and Nan doesn’t have to climb down the stairs again). Beach wedding? Simple & cheap confetti – coloured popcorn from the Supermarket! You want it, I got it!

Am I just a number?
There are many celebrants out there who make this their full time gig. Yay! How cool is that to celebrate love for a living? But it does have its pitfalls. If your celebrant has only an hour to get from your wedding to their next gig, it doesn’t leave room for error. Me, I have a job that pays the bills, this I do for Love! So I only book in one wedding per day, that way I’m all yours on the big day and in the week before so if there’s any last minute panics or changes – I’ve got you covered!

I hope this helps solve that Celebrant dilemma – so come on over and ask away....

Last modified on Wednesday, 29 September 2021 15:39